Update on the GameMaster Update

Hello, just a quick(ish) update on the planned GM content that will be added to the main book: It's on the way! the scope of the first couple chapters of GM content has expanded somewhat (a lot), so there's a bunch of stuff that's in-progress currently and nothing's quite finished-enough to push in a proper update. I have the terrible zoomer-habit of only being able to function when working on 6+ different projects simultaneously; normally this is other projects, so when I'm trying to actually finish something I cope by working on 6 different sections simultaneously. What started out as a bestiary and loot update has now morphed into a 'bestiary / loot / NPC generator / town and city charts / fantasy economics discourse / Sanity rules, Epic destinies, questing backstories, and plot points additional rules options' update with a couple updates throughout the rest of the book to accommodate all the new rules (old-content updates are almost entirely  clarifications).  Anyway, here's a chapter-by-chapter breakdown of what's on the way:

Lore - Eventually

This is the last chapter that will get touched. Functionally it's in the 'done, but not actually started' state in the sense that I have pages and pages of content, but that content is scattered across like 15 different documents and various stacks of notes. The only reason I haven't taken this out of the chapter list for now is because the page border is a huge bitch to update.  Chapter is broken down age-by-age

  • The Toil: the flight of the forebearers, the forging of the planes, and the fall of the primordials.
  • The Age of Light: the dawn of first light, the gift of aether, the first gods, birth of the planar cradle, and the war in heaven.
  • Age of Gods: the establishment of the Pantheon, bounty of the fields between, the era of enlightenment, and the Cataclysm.
  • The Third Age: the rebuilding of the material plane, the discovery of the new frontier, and rise of the new kingdoms.

GM Rules - Eventually

This chapter will include some GM-ing basics and some encounter and plot tables. Lower-priority for now as I assume most people following this project are going to be pretty familiar with GM-basics and would mostly skip this section. It's also pretty well-covered in the legacy GMG.

  • How-to-GM basics (running encounters, making rulings, distributing experience)
  • TN setting guidelines
  • Encounter building (incl. encounter tables)
  • Plot building (incl. adventure hook table)

Loot & Artefacts - Most of it by end of October

Porting over everything from the GMG errata doc and adding in rules for hoards. Optimistically finished relatively soon, with the additional section on artefacts to drop a little later.

  • Wealth progression  - expected net worth / level your players should have access to in order to keep pace with level-progression.
  • Creature loot - rules and a BUNCH of tables for generating random stuff off dead bodies. All loot-able creatures in the bestiary are keyed to a specific table to make this super-streamlined.
  • Tables for generating random magical items
  • Hoard rules - rules for generating big stashes of treasure that scales based on party level
  • Artefact rules - charts and tables for generating super powerful magical items, including their history, purpose, past users, myths, etc... 

NPCs - Chunks in October

Porting over the entire bestiary + a lot of new stuff. Bestiary port turned into more of a complete re-write. Having played much more Vigilant now than when the first GMG was initially written has resulted in some significant re-evaluations of how strong creatures should be and what kind of abilities and strengths makes for interesting games, meaning that almost every single entry had to be completely overhauled. The bright side of this is that all the new entries are far more flavorful, easier to run from the GM side, and provide far more interesting options in combat.

Bestiary coming shortly, everything else to follow probably by end of November or early December

  • Adding in the Bestiary (monster manual)
    • Goal of about 50 unique entries to start with. Bestiary size will continue to grow during other updates
    • Added in Encounter rating: a system for building balanced encounters scaled to the party's average level
  • Adding in NPC generator
    • physical traits, personality, profession, relationship, and social standing generators for civilized NPCs
    • Generic stat blocks for a number of professions and fantasy roles (like merchant, town-guard, village spell-caster, etc...) for quick reference. 
  • Town/Settlement generator
    • Tables for generating government, social hierarchy, wealth, secrets, and superstitions

Extra Rules - Chunks in November

Rules variants and additional subsystems for optional inclusion in games. Sanity rules are well on the way and plot points are a quick port-and-edit, but everything else is in the testing stage for now.

  • Sanity rules - rules for playing cosmic horror / grimdark campaigns. Structured around 'sanity checks' which are a will or mind save (depending on the nature of the horror) that cause a character to gain a sanity point on a failure. Future sanity checks have to be rolled between a character's sanity score and attribute (so higher than sanity, lower than attribute). Characters who fail a sanity check develop random anxieties and phobias which apply roleplay traits and minor mechanical penalties, and characters who really fail a sanity check have very bad things happen to them. Very much a 'march to death' mechanic that's meant for gritty campaigns (or very silly ones). 
  • Plot Points - port over from the old GMG. Basic system similar to a lot of other games that allows a player to raise stakes in an encounter for the ability to add things to the story later on.
  • Questing Backgrounds - A system for creating experienced characters across a range of mid-levels using a backstory / lifepath generator. Should also be a good tool for GMs to generate higher level NPCs on the fly.
  • Epic Destinies - replaces the old epic rules with a system for high-level players to properly pursue a legendary end to their adventures. Players pick a themed destiny tree they can progress down (in addition to archetype trees) and gain a new progression table unique to their tree that replaces their archetype tree for future levels. Leveling also switches to purely milestone-based where characters only gain power once they complete goals aligned with their destiny.
    • Current destiny trees planned are: path of divinity (become a god), path of the archmage (become a really smart wizard), path of the conqueror (carve out a domain), path of the exemplar (become really good at a thing), path of ruin (meet an epically tragic end), path of madness (go insane)

Dungeons - Eventually

Originally this was just a port of the existing dungeon-generator rules in the legacy GMG, but all the new player options and creature and treasure rules warrant a proper restructuring. Currently planning a much larger section on traps, and looking to restructure dungeon generation into a number of overarching 'themes' with tables for each theme. 

Appendices - When everything else is done

Quick reference chapter for all the status conditions, traits, racial abilities, special actions, etc...

TLDR: content coming late October, lots more to follow.

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